What to Plant in August

In the heat of the summer, spring-planted crops like tomatoes, peppers, corn, and cucumbers are going nuts. It's hard to…

Michelle Woodruff

Gardening Without Yard

Space is tight in the Bay area, and many of us, even those who love gardening and growing things and…

Michelle Woodruff

What to Plant in July

Depending on your microclimate, the days can get pretty hot, which some plants just love. Corn and peppers are really…

Michelle Woodruff

What to Plant in June

Summer is here! Some of those springtime plants might be producing already, but it is still a great time to…

Michelle Woodruff

What does “Hardening Off” Mean?

If you are new to gardening, you probably know that getting some seeds started indoors is a great way to…

Michelle Woodruff

Guide to Growing Hops

Do you brew? Home brewing is a great mix of cooking and socialization, great for shy folks (like me!) who…

Michelle Woodruff

What to Plant in May

As we get closer to summer, all those warm-loving plants need to get into the garden. If you live in…

Michelle Woodruff

Raccoons in Your Garden

They are messy, they are destructive, and, worst of all, they are smart. If raccoons decide that your garden is…

Michelle Woodruff

4 Ways to Grow Plants for Free

If you've been at this gardening thing for any length of time, you know that it isn't the cheapest hobby,…

Michelle Woodruff

Grow Potatoes from Your Pantry

You bought that nice big bag of organic potatoes and cooked some, planning to use the rest later. But, when…

Michelle Woodruff