This Year’s Garden Planner Printable

About this time every year, I start to get super excited. The evenings get dark earlier, the air is a bit cooler, and it’s that time of year when the garden gets quiet. Time to start planning for next year’s garden!

I’ve planned my gardens on scraps of paper, maps, the backs of seed catalogs, you name it. But not anymore. It’s time for a change.

I have designed a simple but powerful chart you can use to plan your next garden. It is free to download and use for your own home garden (but please do not redistribute without permission).

There are two pages: one for spring and one for fall. I like to buy seeds for a whole year at once, so I need to see the whole year, not just a season. And, of course, you can print out as many copies as you want of each season if you need more space.

On the chart, you can identify each plant type, variety name, and brand of seed for planning as well as to recall later (I’ve definitely wondered before where I purchased seeds or what exact variety those tomatoes were 3 years ago). You can also track dates for when you started seeds, planted outside, and also your first harvest (information that can help you determine how close your garden is to the seed packet’s promises. W00t, science!).

I hope you find this garden planner useful, along with other tools like the Bay Area Planting Calendar and my article Plan your Garden with Google Maps, and I’d love your feedback on it in the comments!

Michelle Woodruff:
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